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Don't judge a book by its cover.

Not all personalities are palatable to everyone. Like the old saying goes "I'm not everyone's cup of tea". However, just because someones personality may bother or irritate you does not invalidate them, their ministry, voice, or their calling. It certainly doesn't make them evil, demon possesed, manipulative, or abusive. Simply put, they're not you and they're certainly not created to cater to you or everything you might want.

Many people have left many relationships, churches, and movements in recent years because they didn't pick up their own cross and learn to love people with different personalities that offend and downright irratate them. Then in the flesh judgements are made, offense becomes bitterness, and the voice in their head gets filtered through their hurt and gets mistaken in their lives for the voice of God.

These have what I've labeled "led disease". They're led here, there, and everywhere because they're seeking their own validation, worth, and identity from people; but alas they judge according to the flesh and when they don't get what they think they deserve they're "led" somewhere else. That's why the Apostle Paul wrote " From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer".

Unfortunately, instead of seeing others in spirit, many choose to regard others according to the flesh.

We live in an age that celebrates the "cult of personality". The cult of personality says that someone who makes you feel good, speaks in a way you like, always compliments and encourages you, but tip toes around calling out your sin and speaking on controversial subjects is a great leader. Someone that always recognizes that you should get what you think you deserve, rather than someone who may tell you that you're not ready, or that you need to grow up more.

I myself had a mentor that many people rejected. Yet, if it was not for him, his offensive personality, and his gift for speaking straight up truth, I simply wouldn't be here.

I wouldn't be clean from 20 years of heroin addiction, wouldn't be married, wouldn't have our two boys, wouldn't have this house, this life, and this relationship with Jesus hearing His voice. I'm telling you, this guy's personality sent hundreds running. Wanna know what though, he loved each and every single one, but their flesh wouldn't submit, nevertheless he was unashamed to challenge them and speak the truth in love. Although it didn't feel like love to them. His personality was not my cup of tea but yet because I decided to follow Jesus I chose to submit myself to him and now I'm reaping the fruit of what that means. Maybe you should stop searching for someone that's prefect and start looking for someone that's looking out for you . Think about it.


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