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Living for an audience of One.

Do you find yourself fishing for compliments and longing for approval from others? Paul the apostle said that if he were to be seeking to please men, then he would not be a servant of Christ. We as Christ's disciples need to march on through, between good words on the right and evil words on the left. Praise should not excite us and criticism SHOULD NOT crush us. We shouldn't get puffed up from being blessed and we don't turn from God when everything is taken away. Our foundation should be firmly set upon Jesus, our precious cornerstone that the builders rejected. We shouldn't wrap ourselves up in our own self interests like the pharisees or flaunt around our beauty just for carnal show. Instead we should should seek to clothe ourselves with wisdom, love, mercy, purity, and faithfulness. We shouldn't be adorned with any other gems except the fruit of the Spirit. These should be what we value, His grace in us should be what is precious to us. We should be decorated by our faith in Jesus Christ, stead fast in Him and who He is. He is our protection on every side. He is our justification and our glory. Jesus is the precious treasure that we should be willing to let go of everything for in order to possess Him. He is what we should adorn ourselves with and to those that do He is always our strength and our shield.... Let us not become like the Pharisees who in John 12:43' loved the glory that came from man more than the glory that comes from God." No my friends, let it not be so for us. Let us walk worthy of our upward calling in Christ Jesus, fearing no man but instead fearing God and God alone so that on that glorious day we can join the saints who've gone before us hearing these words "Well done my good and faithful servant".


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