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The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; change the way that you think(repent) and believe the good news.” Mark 1:15 What does it mean that the Kingdom of God is at hand? Does the order that Jesus speaks these things matter? Let's look at it: This phrase "at hand" means that something is easily accessible. It means that it's not far away or hidden from us. To be at hand means you can reach out and touch it.

It's tangible. It's real. Right after this Jesus says "repent". The Greek word is Metanoeo. Repent is a compound word formed from “meta”, which means “amid” or “with,” and “noeo,” which means “to exercise the mind.” So, the word literally means, “accompanied by an exercise of the mind,” or “with understanding.”

To change one’s mind. To think differently or afterwards, that is; to re-think, think again, or reconsider as the result of new knowledge or truth. It means that after new information is given or somehow obtained, then someone repents. We're called to repent when we hear the truth. Or at least that's supposed to be our response if we're humble enough to practice the pause and die to self or in simple terms, we let go of what we thought we knew to be true. Jesus then says believe the gospel, the good news. What's the good news? Well, it's that the Kingdom of God is at hand! Let's put all this together now! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is so close that you can grab it when you need it, it's accessible to you, it's within you, it's outside of you, and it's everywhere you are. So reconsider whatever you are thinking in light of this truth, change the way you are thinking and responding, and come into alignment with the Kingdom of God, re-think your position in this truth and respond from it knowing that you can now live from the Kingdom of God. It's a place of power, joy, peace, and love. You are part of a Kingdom that is ready to intervene for the Kings will to be made manifest before you! Help is always closer than you know, heaven itself is closer than you know!

Humble yourself, repent, and take ahold of this reality.

Choose to believe it, choose to receive it, and choose to live from it, because this really is good news. The good news of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ! 🔥❤🔥

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